How is proofreading done?


When to proofread?

Proofreading is done after the completion of the complete editorial processes. After writing academic content it undergoes the process of editing for the structural enhancement, better understandability, and consistency of the text. The completion of the editing process is followed by proofreading. Proofreading is the final analysis for your academic document that eliminates all the spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors in the text. Thus, proofreading ensures the content is perfect and comprehensive. So, it is very important that the proofreading is done accurately and precisely which can be brought about by exactly knowing how to execute the process.

Enlarging the font for better grasp

Before starting the proofreading process. It wise enough to enlarge the font. The more vivid the text is presented the easier it will be for the reader to scrutinize the errors involved. The best way is to print a hard copy of the magnified text then minute revision should be carried out this prevents the overlook of errors that are usually hard to detect.

Keep a handy hard copy

Print out the academic paper to be scrutinized, find a proper place away from all distractions where you can be with your paper and pen, this forms the perfect environment for proofreading. Although, this process of having a hard copy each time you proofread is somewhat not environmentally friendly still it's highly preferred.

 Some basic tips while hard copy proofreading is that:

  1. Prefer using non-proportional typeface. Errors, especially punctuation errors are easily visible in this form. While proofreading it's better not to concentrate on the appearance but the words.
  2. The print out is preferred to have wide margins on sides for comments and corrections. The words better be double spaced and numbering of pages is a very important part of the process.
  3. It's not wise enough to directly make the changes on the computer while proofreading. Proofread the complete document and then after finalizing everything, it's good to make all the corrections on the soft copy.
  4. Usage of red pen or bright-colored markers while proofreading is always beneficial. If you are thinking of more than one round of revision then each time try using different colors for marking the errors, and for the comments.
  5. Take the hindrance to learn the standard proofreading signs and symbols they won't lay you down and act as an aid.

Come back after a break

When you are spending huge time over the same text running back and forth across it, the recognition of mistakes becomes very difficult. Take a break perhaps of sufficient time and then go back to your text for proofreading, this is always beneficial. A fresh mind reaps better results. If you don't believe in taking a break before proofreading you usually end up being blind to your typos, and the misuse of phrases.

Reading patterns involved

Reading out loud: 

While proofreading it's always good to make the proper use of both of our sight and hearing powers. Readout aloud the text during proofreading because sometimes errors that we ignore to see may tickle our hearing sense. After proper rounds of loud reading try reading the text at a lower pitch. 

Reading at a slower pace:

During the proofreading process try reading the academic content at a pace 25 percent slower than your usual pace of reading. This helps you in understanding the content properly. The person while reading at a higher pace usually has a natural tendency of predicting missed words and autocorrecting errors so it's very important to give proper attention to each word during proofreading.

Reading with expressions:

Well, this part will somewhat dramatic but is also necessary. While proofreading until and unless you understand the actual purpose of the text it's very difficult to convey the same to the readers. When you read something with proper expressions you are actually diving deep into it and this is highly required while proofreading. Variations in tone, pace, and pitch includes the formation of different expressions while reading.

Focus on each element

Proofreading is the process that solely requires focus and concentration. Attention should be given on each element while scrutinizing at first word by word and then line by line followed by paragraphs and finally the complete text. It's often preferred that while reading a particular sentence the other sentences should be kept hidden, this, probably increases the focus on that particular sentence. This way the risk of ignoring the general mistakes reduces in large scales. This is mainly useful during the preliminary rounds of proofreading.

At first start from the end

Proof-readers believe in reading the content from the end during the initial stages. This practice is usually preferred to break the flow while reading. When you back read the normal tendency of the human brain of autocorrecting is scrapped. You get the opportunity of giving better focus on each word and line. Thus, this process is considered quite effective for the elimination of common errors for your academic document.

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